¿Quieres reaccionar a este mensaje? Regístrate en el foro con unos pocos clics o inicia sesión para continuar.



    R1 : Spanish - Página 2 6gt7p76
    Localización : España
    Humor : Segun de donde venga el aire

    Spanish - Página 2 Empty Re: Spanish

    Mensaje  LiA Vie Mayo 29, 2009 8:00 pm


    Actions that we can do to others or to ourselves, for example : We can wash somebody else or we can wash ourselves. Let's see this example :

    • yo lavo = I wash
    • yo lavo el coche = I wash the car

    To indicate I wash myself, I wash her, She washes herself etc. we will use these pronouns
    • Yo me lavo = I wash myself
    • Tu te lavas = You wash yourself
    • El se lava = He washes himself
    • Ella se lava = She washes herself
    • Nosotros nos lavamos = we wash ourselves
    • Vosotros os lavais = you wash yourselves
    • Ellos se lavan = they wash themselves

    To make the action to another person we will use almost the same pronouns except for a few exceptions.
    • Yo te lavo = I wash you
    • Tu me lavas = You wash me
    • Yo os lavo = I wash you (plur.)

    • Yo le lavo = I wash him
    • Yo lo lavo = I wash it (masc.)
    • Yo la lavo = I wash her (and it fem.)
    • Yo les lavo = I wash them
    • Tu les lavas = You wash them
    • Ella les lava = She washes them

    The pronoun in this last column stays the same, only changes the person doing the action and of course the verb I wash who? I wash them You wash who? you wash them...

    THEM stays the same...only I wash, you wash is changing. Remember = Se when he does it to himself Le when somebody does it to him.

    - Yo hablo a Antonio = Yo le hablo
    - I speak to Antonio, I speak to him
    - Clara me habla = Clara speaks to me
    - Yo hablo a Clara = Yo le hablo I speak to Clara, I speak to her
    - Me gusta comer = I like to eat
    - Le gusta comer = He/she likes to eat
    - Le gusta = He/she likes
    - Se gusta = he/she likes himself / herself

    When we have the pronoun of person (me, te, le...) plus the pronoun of thing masc. or fem. (lo/la) it goes like this:

    - Yo le compro un libro a Antonio = I buy a book for Antonio
    - Yo lo compro para Antonio = I buy it for Antonio
    - Yo le lo compro = WRONG!!! To not have so many LLLL in the sentence we do it with:
    - YO SE LO COMPRO = I buy IT to HIM (Se in this case doesn't have any "for himself" implications.

    We will be seeing the use of these pronouns in the sentences and texts. Right now don't worry if you don't understand them, just try to memorize them and in the future we will be learning where they are placed.

    mi my mis (el) mío, (la) mía mine (los) mios, (las) mias
    tu your tus (el) tuyo, (la) tuya your (los) tuyos, (las) tuyas
    su his/her sus (el) suyo, (la) suya) his/hers (los) suyos, (las) suyas
    nuestro, -a our nuestros, -as (el) nuestro, (la) nuestra ours (los) nuestros, (las) nuestras
    vuestro, -a your vuestros, -as (el) vuestro, (la) vuestra yours (los) vuestros, (las) vuestras
    su their sus (el) suyo, (la) suya theirs (los) suyos, (las) suyas

    Última edición por LiA el Dom Jun 07, 2009 1:58 am, editado 3 veces

    R1 : Spanish - Página 2 6gt7p76
    Localización : España
    Humor : Segun de donde venga el aire

    Spanish - Página 2 Empty Re: Spanish

    Mensaje  LiA Vie Mayo 29, 2009 8:01 pm

    Let's remember how to form the inmediate past, gerund etc. and also we will see irregularities of these verbs.
    • I am making = Estoy haciendo
    • I am working = Estoy trabajando
    • You are learning = Est ás aprendiendo
    • He is waiting = Está esperando

    Irregularities Gerund :
    • CREER = Creyendo
    • LEER = Leyendo
    • DECIR = Diciendo
    • CAERSE = Cayendo
    • DORMIR = Durmiendo

    The verbs finishing in -SE are reflexive, actions that we do to ourselves. For example Caerse, we fall ourselves, because if somebody else makes us fall it's already another verb.
    In other cases the particle -SE only adds strength to the verb:
    Quiero comer un sandwich= I want to eat a sandwich
    Quiero comer me un sandwich = I want to eat a sandwich by myself (without sharing a bit)
    I have gone = He ido
    You have been in Madrid = Has estado en Madrid
    We have listened the news = Hemos escuchado las noticias
    They have fixed the T.V = Han arreglado la tele (Tele is short for television)

    Irregularities of the participle :
    • VER = Visto (not verido)
    • ROMPER = Roto
    • PONER = Puesto
    • DECIR = Dicho
    • ECRIBIR = Escrito

    Conjugation of the verbs in -SE
    • Presente = Me preocupo I worry
    • Pasado inmediato = Acabo de preocuparme I have just worried
    • Futuro inmediato = Voy a preocuparme I am going to worry
    • Presente perfecto = Me he preocupado I have worried

    Listen to the audio file, the teacher will be saying the present of the verbs, try to catch as many as possible. We will be seeing in future texts if you wrote them correctly or not.

    Última edición por LiA el Dom Jun 07, 2009 1:59 am, editado 3 veces

    R1 : Spanish - Página 2 6gt7p76
    Localización : España
    Humor : Segun de donde venga el aire

    Spanish - Página 2 Empty Re: Spanish

    Mensaje  LiA Vie Mayo 29, 2009 8:02 pm

    We know already some forms of the verbs, in this lesson we will learn other forms and the differences between SER and ESTAR and between HABER and TENER

    • HABER will always be used like TO HAVE as the auxiliary :
      I have eaten = Yo he comido

    • TENER will always be used like TO HAVE as the active :
      I have a house = Tengo una casa or
      I have to go = Tengo que ir

    • SER will be used for things that don't change often (nationality, profession, phisical qualities...)
    • ESTAR will be used for things that change (moods, places where we are, things we look for...)

    For things we look for always with ESTAR, doesn't matter if it's a cathedral what we are looking for and it won't change of place... for us until we find it, it's as if moving in the map.

    Soy de Los Angeles y estoy en Madrid
    I am from Los Angeles and I am in Madrid

    The first one can't change, you are from L.A, you were born there and nothing can change that. The second one can change, you are now in Madrid, tomorrow you can be in a beach of La Coruña

    Before using ser or estar ask to yourself...could this situation change in the next hours?

    For example a book...
    el libro es bueno, we use ES because the book was written in a good way and it will be like this for centuries.

    Última edición por LiA el Dom Jun 07, 2009 2:00 am, editado 3 veces

    R1 : Spanish - Página 2 6gt7p76
    Localización : España
    Humor : Segun de donde venga el aire

    Spanish - Página 2 Empty Re: Spanish

    Mensaje  LiA Vie Mayo 29, 2009 8:04 pm


    • I would run, I would go... All the three conjugations AR, ER , IR have the same endings

    Yo nadaría, Tu nadarías, El nadaría, Nosotros nadaríamos, Vosotros nadaríais, Ellos nadarían
    Yo comería, Tu comerías, El comería, Nosotros comeríamos,Vosotros comeríais, Ellos comerían

    Remember always that the pronouns are not used most of the times because we know the person by the ending of the verbal form.

    The endings are marked in blue and will always be the same for all verbs, we can see that the conditional is formed INFINITIVE + ENDING

    I would eat with you, but I just have eaten = Comería contigo, pero acabo de comer
    We would go if the party is good = Iríamos si la fiesta es buena

    Última edición por LiA el Dom Jun 07, 2009 2:00 am, editado 3 veces

    R1 : Spanish - Página 2 6gt7p76
    Localización : España
    Humor : Segun de donde venga el aire

    Spanish - Página 2 Empty Re: Spanish

    Mensaje  LiA Vie Mayo 29, 2009 8:07 pm


    We already know how to make the immediate future ( voy a comer = I am going to eat)

    Now we will learn the simple future (I will eat), all the endings are the same for the three congugations.

    Yo nadaré, Tu nadarás, El nadará, Nosotros nadaremos, Vosotros nadareis, Ellos nadarán
    Yo viviré, Tu vivirás, El vivirá, Nosotros viviremos, Vosotros vivireis, Ellos vivirán

    • I will take = coger
    • You will go = irás
    • I will accept = aceptaré

    How to use this forms with the reflexive verbs:
    • We will form exactly the same as a normal verb, let's see for example with GUSTAR

    Me gusta = I like
    Me gustaría = I would like
    Me gustará = I will like

    • We use these endings because the verb doesn't refer to me, it refers to the thing we like.

    We are saying "I would like it".

    Última edición por LiA el Dom Jun 07, 2009 2:01 am, editado 1 vez

    R1 : Spanish - Página 2 6gt7p76
    Localización : España
    Humor : Segun de donde venga el aire

    Spanish - Página 2 Empty Re: Spanish

    Mensaje  LiA Dom Jun 07, 2009 1:45 am

    A hundred verbs that we will need in Spanish

    • accept = aceptar
    • allow = permitir
    • ask = preguntar
    • believe/think = creer
    • borrow = prestar
    • break = romper
    • bring = traer
    • buy = comprar
    • can/be able = poder
    • cancel = cancelar
    • change = cambiar
    • clean = limpiar
    • comb = peinar
    • complain = quejar
    • cough = toser
    • count = contar
    • cut = cortar
    • dance = bailar
    • draw = dibujar
    • drink = beber
    • drive = conducir
    • eat = comer
    • explain = explicar
    • fall = caer
    • fill = llenar
    • find = encontrar
    • finish = terminar
    • fit = caber
    • fix = arreglar
    • fly = volar
    • forget = olvidar
    • give = dar
    • go = ir
    • have = tener
    • hear = oir
    • hurt = dañar/herir
    • know = saber/conocer
    • learn = aprender
    • leave = salir/marcharse
    • listen= escuchar
    • live = vivir
    • look = mirar
    • lose = perder
    • make/do = hacer
    • need = necesitar
    • open = abrir
    • close/shut = cerrar
    • organize = organizar
    • pay = pagar
    • play = jugar
    • put = poner
    • rain = llover
    • read = leer
    • reply= responder
    • run = correr
    • say = decir
    • see = ver
    • sell = vender
    • send = enviar
    • sign = firmar
    • sing = cantar
    • sit= sentarse
    • sleep = dormir
    • smoke = fumar
    • speak = hablar
    • spell = deletrear
    • spend = gastar
    • stand = ponerse de pie
    • start/begin = empezar
    • study = estudiar
    • succeed = tener exito
    • swim = nadar
    • take = cojer
    • talk = hablar
    • teach = enseñar
    • tell = decir
    • think = pensar
    • translate = traducir
    • travel = viajar
    • try = probar
    • turn off = apagar
    • turn on = encender
    • type = teclear
    • understand = entender
    • use = usar
    • wait = esperar
    • wake up = levantar
    • want = querer
    • watch = mirar
    • work = trabajar
    • worry = preocupar
    • write = escribir

    Última edición por LiA el Dom Jun 07, 2009 2:01 am, editado 1 vez

    R1 : Spanish - Página 2 6gt7p76
    Localización : España
    Humor : Segun de donde venga el aire

    Spanish - Página 2 Empty Re: Spanish

    Mensaje  LiA Dom Jun 07, 2009 1:46 am


    In Spanish we have 2 different pasts for actions finished or unfinished. They would we like the english I did (finished) and I was doing (unfinished).


    It's used for actions happening during a period of time, things like "when I went to Spain I was going to the Disco everyday . You were regularly going to the Disco, not only once.
    The endings (we ommit the pronouns so that you get used to identify the subject without seeing them)

    Nadaba Comía Vivía
    Nadabas Comías Vivías
    Nadaba Comía Vivía
    Nadábamos Comíamos Vivíamos
    Nadabais Comíais Vivíais
    Nadaban Comían Vivían
    - Yo nadaba mucho cuando era joven = I was swimming a lot when I was young
    - En verano siempre com íamosen este restaurante = In summer we were always eating in this restaurant.
    - Cuando viv ías en Palencia estabas siempre trabajando = When you were living in Palencia you were always working.

    As you can see the endings for ER and IR coincide, so only AR is different. This past expresses things that happen during a period of time. During all the time that you were in Valencia you were working, not only once or twice. All the time.

    Let's see now the other past
    • PRETERITO PERFECTO (I swam, I ate, I lived)

    Nadé Comí Viví
    Nadaste Comiste Viviste
    Nadó Comió Vivió
    Nadamos Comimos Vivimos
    Nadasteis Comisteis Vivisteis
    Nadaron Comieron Vivieron
    The translation of this verbal time is like the past simple I swam, I ate, I lived. All the verbs will follow this conjugation depending on their ending:
    They played = Jugaron
    We saw = vimos
    You tried = intentaste

    We already have the main verbal times in Spanish, let's see now one that is left.

    • IMPERATIVE (Do this, Go there, Be careful etc.)

    AR Nada (tu) Nade (usted) Nademos (nosotros) Nadad (vosotros) Naden (ustedes)
    ER Come (tu) Coma (usted Comamos (nosotros) Comed (vosotros) Coman (ustedes)
    IR Vive (tu) Viva (usted) Vivamos (nosotros) Vivid (vosotros) Vivan (ustedes)
    The reason why some pronouns don't appear is because we can't give an orther to ourselves for example.

    • Come carne, es muy sana = Eat meat, it's very healthy
    • Comamos en este restaurante = Let's eat in this restaurant
    • Escriba mas rapido por favor = Write faster please (you sir)

    The form for us (comamos, vivamos etc...) is not very used nowadays, we usually make a question or a sugestion (why dont we eat here? or We can eat here) better than to give an order to the people we are with.

    Última edición por LiA el Dom Jun 07, 2009 2:02 am, editado 1 vez

    R1 : Spanish - Página 2 6gt7p76
    Localización : España
    Humor : Segun de donde venga el aire

    Spanish - Página 2 Empty Re: Spanish

    Mensaje  LiA Dom Jun 07, 2009 1:47 am

    We have everything we need to understand or to express concepts at a basic level, let's see now some vocabulary and texts to translate.

    • CLOTHES (Ropa)

    Zapatos = shoes
    Botas = boots

    Zapatillas = slippers

    calcetines = socks
    pantalones = trousers
    Camiseta = T-shirt
    Camisa = shirt

    Jersey = jumper

    Polo / Niki = Polo

    Chaqueta = jacket

    Abrigo = coat

    Traje = suit
    Guantes = gloves
    Bufanda = scarf
    Corbata = tie
    Gorro = cap
    Gorra = baseball cap

    • BODY (Cuerpo)

    pies = feet piernas = legs dedos = fingers/toes
    cintura = waist espalda = back pecho = chest
    brazos = arms manos = hands cabeza = head
    cuerpo = body cara = face ojos = eyes
    orejas = ears boca = mouth labios = lips
    nariz = nose cuello = neck corazón = heart
    pulmones = lungs rodillas = knees codos = elbows


    • Estoy de acuerdo = I agree
    • Vale = ok
    • Yo opino igual = I think the same
    • Yo creo lo mismo = I think the same
    • Yo pienso igual = I think the same
    • Putting NO in the begining, they become negative expressions, no estoy de acuerdo, no opino igual...

    • Nos vemos = See ya! (literally "we see each other")

    • Izquierda = left
    • Derecha = right
    • Recto = straight
    • Girar = to turn

    Contenido patrocinado

    Spanish - Página 2 Empty Re: Spanish

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